Rest; To Rest


  1. Concentrate on the word ‘rest’.
  2. Allow it to work on yourself
  3. Feel that you are entirely pervaded by a feeling of calmness, serenity and peace.

From Esoteric Lesson, Berlin, October9, 1907

The word ‘rest’ (‘ruhe’ in German) has a magical power. Those who manage to concentrate on this word and allow it to work on them feel as if they are entirely pervaded by a feeling of calmness, serenity and peace.

  1. the refreshing quiet or repose of sleep:
    a good night’s rest.
  2. refreshing ease or inactivity after exertion or labor:
    to allow an hour for rest.
  3. relief or freedom, especially from anything that wearies, troubles, or disturbs.
  4. a period or interval of inactivity, repose, solitude, or tranquillity:
    to go away for a rest.
  5. mental or spiritual calm; tranquillity.
  6. the repose of death:
    eternal rest.
  7. cessation or absence of motion:
    to bring a machine to rest.
  8. Music.
    1. an interval of silence between tones.
    2. a mark or sign indicating it.
  9. Prosody. a short pause within a line; caesura.
  10. a place that provides shelter or lodging for travelers, as an inn.
  11. any stopping or resting place:
    a roadside rest for weary hikers.
  12. a piece or thing for something to rest on:
    a hand rest.
  13. a supporting device; support.
  14. Billiards, Pool. bridge1(def 14)
  15. verb (used without object)
    to refresh oneself, as by sleeping, lying down, or relaxing.
  16. to relieve weariness by cessation of exertion or labor.
  17. to be at ease; have tranquillity or peace.
  18. to repose in death.
  19. to be quiet or still.
  20. to cease from motion, come to rest; stop.
  21. to become or remain inactive.
  22. to stay as is or remain without further action or notice:
    to let a matter rest.
  23. to lie, sit, lean, or be set:
    His arm rested on the table.
  24. Agriculture. to lie fallow or unworked:
    to let land rest.
  25. to be imposed as a burden or responsibility (usually followed by on or upon).
  26. to rely (usually followed by on or upon).
  27. to be based or founded (usually followed by on or upon).
  28. to be found; belong; reside (often followed by with):
    The blame rests with them.
  29. to be present; dwell; linger (usually followed by on or upon):
    A sunbeam rests upon the altar.
  30. to be fixed or directed on something, as the eyes, a gaze, etc.
  31. Law. to terminate voluntarily the introduction of evidence in a case.
  32. verb (used with object)
    to give rest to; refresh with rest:
    to rest oneself.
  33. to lay or place for rest, ease, or support:
    to rest one’s back against a tree.
  34. to direct (as the eyes):
    to rest one’s eyes on someone.
  35. to base, or let depend, as on some ground of reliance.
  36. to bring to rest; halt; stop.
  37. Law. to terminate voluntarily the introduction of evidence on:
    to rest one’s case.
  38. Idioms
    at rest,
    1. in a state of repose, as in sleep.
    2. dead.
    3. quiescent; inactive; not in motion:
      the inertia of an object at rest.
    4. free from worry; tranquil:
      Nothing could put his mind at rest.
  39. lay to rest,
    1. to inter (a dead body); bury:
      He was laid to rest last Thursday.
    2. to allay, suppress, or appease.