Morning Routine
Every morning,
- preferably for eating
- rise at a fixed time
- meditate for a half-hour period.
Inner Stillness
Strive for complete inner stillness, all attention is withdrawn from impressions coming from outside and from all memories of everyday life.
Free the soul from all cares and anxieties, which are apt to oppress it particularly at this time.
In order to facilitate this inner stillness,
- Direct your consciousness first of all to a single idea.
(For instance, the idea of rest; to rest.) - Allow this idea to disappear from consciousness so that no image whatsoever remains in the soul.
For instance:
Four Breathes
I am
As you breathe in and out,
- Empty your mind of thought.
- Direct your whole consciousness to the breathing.
While you abstain from breathing,
- Concentrate on the point lying between and a little behind the eyebrows, at the root of the nose, inside the forepart of the brain.
- Fill your consciousness exclusively with the words:
I am
Four Breathes
It thinks
As you breathe in and out,
- Empty the mind of thought.
- Direct your whole consciousness to the breathing.
While you abstain from breathing,
- Concentrate on a point inside the larynx.
- Fill your consciousness exclusively with the image
It thinks
In ‘It thinks’, the ‘It’ signifies the Universal Cosmic Thinking which should live as impersonal power in our words.
Four Breathes
She feels
As you breathe in and out,
- Empty the mind of thought.
- Direct your whole consciousness to the breathing.
While you abstain from breathing,
- Concentrate on both arms and hands.
- Fill your consciousness exclusively with the image:
She feels
In ‘She feels’, the ‘She’ signifies the Cosmic Soul – it means that you should feel, not personally but impersonally, in the sense that the Cosmic Soul is impersonal.
During concentration upon the arms and hands, if you feel as if a force is driving your hands apart; let them go apart, following the line of the force. However, do not suggest this to yourself. The feeling must come quite of itself.
Four Breathes
He wills
As you breathe in and out,
- Empty the mind of thought.
- Direct your whole consciousness to the breathing.
While you abstain from breathing,
- Concentrate on the whole surface of your body; that is, picture your bodily self with the utmost possible clarity.
- Fill your consciousness with the image:
He wills
In ‘He wills’, the ‘He’ signifies God, within whose Will we instate our whole being.
My Power / I in me / I will
Fill your consciousness for a while with one single image in which you are entirely absorbed, so that during this time nothing else whatever is present in the soul.
Choose an image:
My Power
I in me
I will
Divine Ideal
Continue with a complete absorption in your own Divine Ideal.
(For about five minutes)
Enter the Earthly World
Finish the Morning Routine saying,
“Now I am entering the earthly world.”